Return of the Youngest Grandmaster

Return of the Youngest Grandmaster

<p>Wu Xinghe, the youngest grandmaster in the history of ancient Chinese martial arts, was hunted down by the organization of Blood-Eating Rose and died. However, it is a spirit that is not ignorant, and the soul is reborn on the body of a low-level noble boy in a different world, once again opening the road to the peak of his pursuit of martial arts.</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>中国古武界史上最年轻的大宗师武星河,被食血蔷薇的组织追杀,身死陨灭。然而却是一灵不昧,灵魂重生在异世界一个下等贵族少年身上,再次开启他武道追求的颠峰之路。</p>
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